Digital elevation models

Different types of digital elevation models (DEMs) are available:

Airborne LIDAR
What is this data?

Since 2008, Icelandic Met Office and the Institute of Earth Science have worked on detailed mapping on Icelandic glaciers with airborne LIDAR. Detailed DEM´s have been produced of all the largest glaciers along with a few smaller ones. LiDAR instruments have also been used to map potential avalanche terrain and for road construction planning.

Where is it available?

Icelandic Met Office has an overview of the available data and the data will soon be open on

To access NERC data please contact Susan Conway 

What is this data?

ICESat (Ice, Cloud,and land Elevation Satellite) was a satellite mission acquiring laser altimetry and atmospheric LIDAR data, for studying ice sheet mass balance, cloud and aerosol heights, as well as for deriving land topography and vegetation characteristics. It operated from 2003 to 2010. ICESat-2 is scheduled for lunch in 2016.

Where is it available?